An Extension of Us

When I look at the calendar and see it is almost another new month I get a little sad these days. Each month that goes by is another reminder that our daughter is one month older, one month closer to turning “1”, one month closer to “not being a baby” anymore. These last 6 (almost 7!) months have been challenging, fun, and beautifully messy.

It is so hard to describe my feelings for Olivia. Today I was giving her a bath and I just kept looking at her like “how are you all mine?” I feel so much love for her it is not easy to describe, but I also feel like I have known her my entire life and like she has always been there. It is as if she is an extension of who I have always been, my life is just different now with her in the most amazing way.

7 months ago I wrote my last blog post while Olivia was still inside of me. At that time I just couldn’t wait to not be pregnant and to meet her. And now I can barely even remember those last few days of being swollen, large, miserable, and oh-so-emotional. It is hard sometimes to remember those first few weeks with Olivia at home as a newborn, I guess it was a whirlwind. This new little life taking up so much of our hearts, keeping us exhausted, and making us smile all day long.

Sharing our holiday pictures today, taken by the amazing Erin Waller at Magnolia Street Photography. Hoping you are having a wonder filled 2018 thus far.


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2 thoughts on “An Extension of Us

Show me some lovin' !